greetings and welcome to my first webbed site!
Like many, I’ve been dissatisfied with social media and feeling increasingly uncomfortable in corporate-owned internet, so when I learned about Neocities and the web revival movement, I immediately created my own little site. I'm still figuring out the whole HTML thing but I'm excited to learn!
I want this to be a place where I can infodump about my interests and share my hobbies without the fear of not being “good enough” at them. This site is a constant work in progress, so stay tuned for more shrines, art pages, collections and whatever else I may decide to add!
My current main interests:

March 2025
- March 3rd: February's Bookbug review has been added
February 2025:
- February 14th: it's been 84 years, but I finally updated my Halloween log with reflections on October 2024
- February 4th: added a page for my cross-stitch projects
January 2025:
- January 15: added a year in review page for the 32bit Cafe New Year event
November 2024:
- November 23rd: +1 lighthouse card; +1 fun link; I also created new buttons for Sarah's Gravity Falls fanlisting and added them here for display
October 2024:
- October 29th: moderately sized update to the Halloween shrine. Added my entry for the 32bit Cafe Halloween event to the shrine homepage (it's radio recs!), added a couple of game recs to the recs page, added/edited a page for future Halloween plans. Also updated the list of books read for the read what you own challenge
July 2024:
- July 1st: Bookbug review for the month of May (oops) is now up!
June 2024:
- June 4th: it's my humble site's 1st birthday! Set up a special site email to keep in touch with people; also new picrews and quiz results on my about page and three new fun links on the links page; added a new guestbook
April 2024:
- April 25th: new Bookbug review
- April 15th: the video game review page that has been long in the making is finally up, along with some actual reviews.
- April 3rd: finally made a sitemap!
March 2024:
- March 22nd: first Bookbug review!
February 2024:
- February 4th: "initial thoughts" section for this month's Bookbug pick; new links on the Links page; five new postcards added to the postcard collection; several small updates to the Postcrossing shrine including a couple of lines about the game Over the Alps in the "media" section
January 2024:
- January 28th: finally added the log page to my Halloween shrine! Praise be!
- January 10th: added a book club page
October 2023:
- October 30th: added another page to the Halloween shrine
- October 1st: expanded the media section on my Postcrossing shrine and added a "favorite cards I've received" page (uses JS)
September 2023:
- September 24: uploaded my spooOOooOOky postcards in honor of October fast approaching!
- September 17: the Postcrossing shrine is up!
August 2023:
- August 28: added some free cross-stitch patterns to my spooky page
- August 27: added some Scooby-Doo recs to my spooky media page
- August 25: we finally have a guestbook, people!
- August 22: added a neighbors section to my links page + other small tweaks
- August 20: the postcard collection page is up!
- August 17: started on spooky media rec page
- August 4: added two buttons; started a Halloween shrine (very much a WIP!!!)
July 2023:
- July 30: the about me page is finally up and running!
- July 29: the index page looks somewhat okay now!
June 2023:
- June 10: finally made a header!
- June 4: made this page!
site to-do list
1. set up a page for video game reviews
2. make my own adopts
3. make a hobby page; start with adding my film photography there
4. make more buttons/make new buttons
5. Halloween shrine: add backlog; ND game recs; my plans (lists of stuff + crafts)
6. join webrings
7. start working on Nancy Drew shrine
8. Postcrossing shrine: sort links; add favorite sent cards
9. upload more cards to my collection
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Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant.
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